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Aparências do BSPlayer
Windows Media Player 11 Inspirat v.2.0
Criado por: OmYcroN OmYcroN
Windows Media Player 11 Inspirat v.2.0
Total de votos: 375
Windows Media Player 11 Inspirat v.2.0
Updated: 11.07.2008
Downloads: 212110
Comentários: 19
Transferido (Uploaded):
Sep 19, 2007
Sua avaliação:


Waiting New Skin
by guest, Aug 6, 2010
And we are waiting for your new Skins...
by guest, Aug 6, 2010
Thank you man.... I like it...
by guest, Jun 28, 2010
the playlist is cool the hole execept the size of player, i think i would like a smaller version.
by guest, Apr 28, 2010
Beautiful skin :)) (Viola from Poland)
Tök jó skin
by guest, Jan 19, 2010
Nekem nagyon bejött ez a skin! Nagyon jól néz ki! :)
by guest, Jan 10, 2010
Gyaaaunni njo ho go rom to professimmo
by guest, Dec 27, 2009
nem semmi...
by guest, Nov 28, 2009
I mean subtiles + or -
by guest, Nov 28, 2009
mooi apparaat, absoluut! alle direct bij de hand willen hebben dingen staan erop mis 1 ding denk ik, ondertitels groter en kleiner maken!
by guest, Oct 7, 2009
by guest, Nov 23, 2008
Nice job man. Keep it goin..
by Justo Iglesias, Nov 3, 2008
este skin es uno de los más bonitos que he visto hasta ahora. Enhorabuena
Its my favourite skin for bsplayer
by guest, Jul 11, 2008
skinned equalizer and PL, nice work!
by guest, Nov 24, 2007
I like it.Good work man.Keep it going...
by guest, Nov 21, 2007
best skin 4 ever.max download
by guest, Nov 20, 2007
Stai sa dea si romananu' un comentariu. Romaneste: Skinu' asta e cel mai tare !!! International: Best of people !!! Stie Oenzolen ce face.
give it a try !!!
by guest, Nov 3, 2007
give it a try and tell me if u agree with me or not >> :)
u r great !
by guest, Nov 3, 2007
fantastic skin ... cannot tell u how great it is ...
by guest, Sep 24, 2007
This is really stylish skin... all the curves... really nice work, man.