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Aparências do BSPlayer
Criado por: bbb aaa
Total de votos: 82
Yep I'm french ! :)

Voici mon premier skin. J'ai voulu le faire simple d'ou le nom ;)
Je trouvais que la plupart des skins avait une seekbar pas assez haute, ce qui empecher de naviguer correctement...donc j'en ai fait une grande ^^

Niveau design c'est du web 2.1 :D

Donner vos avis et/ou vos commantaires pour ameliorer ce skin [...]

Merci Good watching with BsPlayer
Yep I' m french! :)

Here my first skin. I wanted to make it simple or the name;)

I found that the majority of the skins had a seekbar not high enough, which empecher to sail correctly... so I made large.Level design it is Web 2.1:D

To deliver your opinions and/or your commantaires to improve this skin [... ]

Thank you Good watching with BsPlayer
Downloads: 71942
Comentários: 1
Transferido (Uploaded):
Nov 18, 2007
Sua avaliação:


The BEST !
by guest, May 30, 2013
I try other skins, this is the best. Thx a lot.