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Aparências do BSPlayer
Criado por: Slavko Ivanovic
Mais deste autor (6 skins)

Total de votos: 82
I have notice that many of BS users like my earlier skin efficient_Linkbar, so i have decided to aply that functionality idea on a new skin.
Until this skin, i didn't care about the look of a skin as mush as i care about the functionality. In this case, i tried to merge one with another. Again, skin take lower-left position of your display. FS on bottom. Enjoy.
Until this skin, i didn't care about the look of a skin as mush as i care about the functionality. In this case, i tried to merge one with another. Again, skin take lower-left position of your display. FS on bottom. Enjoy.
Downloads: 74043
Comentários: 2
Transferido (Uploaded):
Sep 30, 2007
Sua avaliação:
by guest, Oct 1, 2007
BS player remembers last position & dimensinos of playlist on next open, so u can adjust it just once as u wish. Base skin on playlist? - well colors are not so diferent.
Thanks for comment & salut.
Functional AND nice
by guest, Oct 1, 2007
but playlist is still the same default skin... maybe the playlist could be skinned and opened at the other side of screen - right, to look like this left column.. that would be nice... :)