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BS.Player Skins
RedWine 4
created by: Cannibal T-C Crew
More by this author (4 skins)

Total votes: 327
RedWine 4
Note: White lines around the buttons below center are not white, it's transparent surface.
Hope you like it :)
T-C art, april 10
Note: White lines around the buttons below center are not white, it's transparent surface.
Hope you like it :)
T-C art, april 10
Downloads: 133284
Comments: 2
Apr 26, 2010
Your rating:
Aplly new skins
by guest, Jul 8, 2012
Well first of all you have to download the skin you want,it goes normally to the paste "downloads" of your PC,right? take sure that the file that yo received have the BSP logo,then go to c:\computer\programs x86\webteh\skins then "copy/paste" the new ones inside.close all,next open bsplayer and go to skins and verify if the new ones are in there,next choose the one you like..
how to apply skin
by guest, Apr 27, 2010
this skin is good but plz tell us how to apply