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Обложки BSPlayer
MyCassette by [kamo]
Автор: Juan Camilo Ortiz Jaramillo
Другие обложки этого автора (5 обложек)

Всего голосов: 49
One of the best BSplayer skin, specially for 80-90`s lovers. It´s simple but rlly nice. Enjoy it and don`t forget comment and rank.!
By kamo
By kamo
Скачиваний: 136174
Комментариев: 1
Дата загрузки:
Jun 21, 2011
Ваш рейтинг:
You've got it in one. Couldn't have put it bteter.
by guest, Oct 7, 2011
You've got it in one. Couldn't have put it bteter.