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Skins del BSPlayer
RedWine 3
creado por: Cannibal T-C Crew
Más por este autor (4 skins)

Total votos: 198
RedWine 3
Designed by T-C
Januar 2010
Designed by T-C
Januar 2010
Descargas: 127602
Comentarios: 2
Jan 23, 2010
Su evaluación:
by Cannibal T-C Crew, Jan 25, 2010
skin is fixed now, but screenshot is not changed yet. I will not monitor if screeny gets changed or not. That's it :)
Hope you like it
by Cannibal T-C Crew, Jan 25, 2010
I know there's a small ugly spot on the left of play button but I'm waiting for the fixed skin to be accepted.
Srry, was working in the middle of the night :)