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BSPlayer Skins
Von: Dany Dany
Mehr von diesem Autor (3 Skins)
Abgegebene Stimmen: 70
- Cycle subtitles >
- Preferences >
- Full screen >>
- Always on top
- Minimize to Tray
1)Button Maximize Enable Check >>>
2)In Menu Options "Always on top" Enable Check >>>
3)To be the same Enable "Always on top" OK. >>>
4)After checking "Always on top" >>>
- Use only Button Maximize in the skin.
Some votes and Comments not break...
Sper sa va placa.
UPDATED: 18.Nov.2012
- Cycle subtitles >
- Preferences >
- Full screen >>
- Always on top
- Minimize to Tray
1)Button Maximize Enable Check >>>
2)In Menu Options "Always on top" Enable Check >>>
3)To be the same Enable "Always on top" OK. >>>
4)After checking "Always on top" >>>
- Use only Button Maximize in the skin.
Some votes and Comments not break...
Sper sa va placa.
UPDATED: 18.Nov.2012
Downloads: 71285
Kommentare: 3
Nov 9, 2012
Ihre Bewertung:
by guest, Apr 14, 2013
Very nice skin. The play/pause button on the fullscreen roll-up panel doesn't seem to work. Otherwise it would be perfect.
Narcis ==> salutare
by guest, Nov 15, 2012
superb skin
very nice skin :D
by guest, Nov 15, 2012
Very nice. You may have forgot to transparent pink the corners of the main.bmp and fsmain.bmp. Quality design though.