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BSPlayer Preobleke
Vista WMP11 reduced
ustvaril: lukas okmis
Več od tega avtorja (4 preobleke)

Glasov skupno: 251
As a lot of request were coming in to make my last skin (Vista WMP11 final) more simple - here is my answer!
I updated on the 12 january 2007, now the skin contains a fullscreen bar. Next update: 28 january 2007 - made an multi language interface(besides a few buttons) Added a Pan scan button, made a little tweaking on the play/pause button. Minimize button does not only hide the main window, but it really minimizes. I think its worth updating. If you want more features - check out Vista WMP11 final! Cheers.
I updated on the 12 january 2007, now the skin contains a fullscreen bar. Next update: 28 january 2007 - made an multi language interface(besides a few buttons) Added a Pan scan button, made a little tweaking on the play/pause button. Minimize button does not only hide the main window, but it really minimizes. I think its worth updating. If you want more features - check out Vista WMP11 final! Cheers.
Prenosi: 140679
Komentarji: 3
Jan 7, 2007
Tvoja ocena
big mistake!
by guest, Jul 21, 2008
the most functional thing missing "next" and "previous" buttons. you have seek forward 2s and jump 10s.... that just stupid i think. replace one of those with next and previous fuction, the most basic one. i give you credit for effort.
whaw !!!
by guest, Feb 19, 2007
It´s look like the vista
thanks for the Skin
It's great!
by guest, Feb 12, 2007
The skin’s really nice, but you should consider adding a button for the equalizer.