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BSPlayer Preobleke
ustvaril: Slavko Ivanovic
Več od tega avtorja (6 preobleke)

Glasov skupno: 148
This skin supposed to take lower-left position of your display.
It's a simple linkbar to most of the BS player actions U will ever need, but then again, less then i wanted to put on this skin style, cause some actions are not jet supported by current version of BS.
In fs, must move mouse pointer above highest edge of a skin, to disappear.
Maybe little strange, efficent, pop-up menu like, concept.
It's a simple linkbar to most of the BS player actions U will ever need, but then again, less then i wanted to put on this skin style, cause some actions are not jet supported by current version of BS.
In fs, must move mouse pointer above highest edge of a skin, to disappear.
Maybe little strange, efficent, pop-up menu like, concept.
Prenosi: 139774
Komentarji: 2
Aug 24, 2007
Tvoja ocena
by guest, Sep 23, 2007
i like it cause its simple and not too colorfull... goog job..
Dark H4xo0r
by guest, Aug 31, 2007
It's good, although the color is a bit depressing