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BSPlayer Preobleke
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Glasov skupno: 32
Prenosi: 35442
Komentarji: 1
May 10, 2006
Tvoja ocena
best proportions and colors of any skin on here
by Mark Thompson, Mar 31, 2010
This skin is a bit old now, but so what? It is PERFECT. It is all about proportions. The size is just wide enough to give the progress bar some meaning when you want to advance the video; the placement of the buttons: they are just large enough to see and to click with a mouse, without being obnoxiously large; the visible yet unubtrusive colors that don't try to compete with the video like some of the tacky neon color schemes do.
It is a unique design, does not pretend to be Quicktime or WMP.
It is the perfect size for the wide-screen monitors that we all have now.
No matter how many skins I try, I always come back to this one.