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Nadaljuj na Prenos in prenesi BSPlayer!
Nadaljuj na Prenos in prenesi BSPlayer!
Webteh is entering a new era with the release of 2nd generation of BSPlayer. As we are transforming from a small company to a serious software development company, we are also trying very hard to control the costs that the company has with development, distribution and support of BSPlayer. We know and do not expect BSPlayer to be “the money maker”, but we do want to continue to develop BSPlayer for the pleasure of you, our dear customers. We are making a move from strictly technology oriented company to customer oriented company. We will do our best to offer new dimensions of quality and performance for the BS.Community as a whole, and especially to you, our registered customers.BSPlayer seems to be one of the best and most popular multimedia players in the world, but this is not good enough for us. We are working really hard to bring you new features and improved technologies in every new version of our product. We are already developing several exciting and unique technologies and features which will be implemented in the next versions of BSPlayer. And we have a bundle of ideas for the future. We can assure that our development cycle will be a lot shorter than three years for the next major releases. New updates will be posted as needed.
This is the main reason why we decided to change our licensing policy for the BSPlayer PRO product family. Until now we had a product oriented licensing (you paid license fee, received free updates for the whole life cycle of the current product generation – for example: for BSPlayer 1.x generation – but not for the new generation of the software – like BSPlayer 2.78 is). Now, we are turning to subscription-based licensing: this means that you buy (one time payment) the license for using the software and you also receive a 12-months subscription for ALL updates and upgrades for the BSPlayer PRO family products.When your subscription expires you will still have right to use (and download from your personal download center) all the updated versions and new releases which were released during your subscription period.
Novi uporabniki BSPlayerja PROBSPlayer PRO + 12 mesečna naročnina za vse nadgradnje = 29.9€
Obstoječi uporabniki BSPlayerja PRO
BSPlayer PRO + 12 mesečna naročnina za vse nadgradnje = 19.9€
Zahvaljujemo se vam za vašo podporo ... in vam želimo obilo užitkov pri uporabi BSPlayerja!
Why is this solution better for the customers?
It looks like the new policy is not as friendly for the customers as the old one. But it is. Our new customer oriented strategy and approach is to strengthen the development and implementation of innovative new technologies and solutions. This means that the new products and major updates will not go out only every three years (like it happened with BSPlayer 1.x) but maybe even several times a year. And due to new licensing policy you will receive all this new releases during your subscription period – even if there will be completely new generation of the product – without extra charge. You will also have right for the e-mail technical support (which will also be raised to the new level) during you subscription.We can also share a little secret - the new subscription policy is an intro for the new subscription based services (stream-BS.tv, video on demand, mobile streaming) which should be implemented in next generations of BSPlayer family products.