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Aparências do BSPlayer
Sonar v1.0 .: 23/05/2004 :.
Criado por: brett |
Sonar v1.0 .: 23/05/2004 :.
Total de votos: 264
Sonar v1.0 .: 23/05/2004 :.
Downloads: 96377
Comentários: 5
Transferido (Uploaded):
May 10, 2006
Sua avaliação:


jEzhqg iyikelbuaobv
by guest, Dec 25, 2012
jEzhqg iyikelbuaobv
I have been a customer of Norton Internet Security
by guest, Dec 24, 2012
I have been a customer of Norton Internet Security pdcurots since 2002. I have had my share of problems with NIS including slowness, compatibility issues, blocked sites etc., but it has done an excellent job of protecting my computer. I recently purchased NIS 2008 and installed it on my laptop and computer. The laptop was an upgrade while desktop was a new install. For those of you looking for quick review, here are the main points: 1.There was no noticeable difference in computer's speed. I did not notice increase or decrease in processor or memory usage (bit of a surprise). 2.The installation process was fast. It took less than 10 minutes and a reboots to install on a Pentium 4, 2.4GHz processor with 2.5 GB of memory. 3.The computer started normally (no extra time) after hibernati
Такой яркий...
by guest, Feb 5, 2011
Мне нравится :)
by guest, Dec 24, 2006
one of my favourite skin!
by guest, Nov 5, 2006
super skin!!!