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BSP_WMP11_Vista Best Skin Full
Criado por: Dany Dany    Mais deste autor (3 skins)
BSP_WMP11_Vista Best Skin Full
Total de votos: 76
Author: Scooter20 >>> Button created by: Alex_Large >>>

P - Preferences >
S - Cycle subtitles >
- Full screen >>
- Always on top
1)Button Green Enable Check >>>

2)In Menu Options "Always on top" Enable Check >>>
3)To be the same Enable "Always on top" OK. >>>
4)After checking "Always on top" >>>
- Use only Button Green in the skin.
Some votes and Comments not break...

Sper sa va placa.

UPDATED: 18. Nov. 2012
Downloads: 69895
Comentários: 3
Transferido (Uploaded):
Oct 11, 2012
Sua avaliação:


Wider Progress Bar
by guest, Oct 31, 2012
Hi, Congratulation for a clean, sleek, classy interface. I'd say, it's 99% perfect (to me). If you can please make the progress bar a bit wider, so it's easier to manipulate with the mouse. Then, it will be 100% perfect! Thanks.
by guest, Oct 16, 2012
Sleek, Classy, Clean Interface.
Functional, easy on the eyes
by guest, Oct 13, 2012
and very clean look - i likeee!