- 31.New version of BS.Player is released! March 22, 2010
- 32.NEW BS.Player 2.51 is available for download! December 24, 2009
- 33.New version of BS.Player is complete - featuring full... October 22, 2009
- 34.BS.Player 2.43 is released July 21, 2009
- 35.New version of BS.Player 2.42 is released July 13, 2009
- 36.BS.Player 2.41 final is ready for download - get it while... June 3, 2009
- 37.BS.Player version 2.36 is out with NEW and IMPROVED... March 12, 2009
- 38.New BS.Player 2.35 release February 19, 2009
- 39.Christmas BS.Player 2.34 is OUT! December 15, 2008
- 40.One of BS.Players EU download servers was hacked December 10, 2008
- 41.Christmas is right around the corner, so it's time to... November 13, 2008
- 42.PROlite version has been discontinued November 12, 2008
- 43.BS.Player 2.32 has received a 5 star review on... November 10, 2008
- 44.NEW BS.Player 2.32 is out, with missing codecs management October 13, 2008
- 45.New version of BS.Player was released (2.31) September 8, 2008
Christmas is right around the corner, so it's time to start getting ready for the holidays!
(BS.Player 2.33 is released)
We have prepared a new special Christmas edition of BS.Player, featuring an exceptional sales promotion.
For any new BS.Player PRO you buy between Nov 10th and Jan 10th, we will extend the normal duration of the license from 12 to 18 months! ( Save 15$ - 33% off) CLICK HERE to order!
In addition to the six extra months on your subscription, you'll also receive all upcoming versions we will release during this time, as well as an extended period of our superior technical help! Furthermore, a special Christmas BS.Player skin is available, just to get you in the mood for the best holiday season of the year!
Additionaly, if you like BS.Player even more, you can purchase 2 year license for which we will extend the duration to whooping 4 years! Save (Save 60$ - 50% off) CLICK HERE to order!
New BS.Player 2.33 special Christmas edition includes new functionality – plays Youtube videos directly from the net and it can save these videos to your hard-drive as flv files for later playback. Now you can download all of your favourite Youtube videos directly to your computer simply by using BS.Player. New and improved chapters feature includes visual display of video chapters with thumbnail preview for each chapter – navigate through chapters with just one mouse click! GET RICH ABOVE YOUR IMAGINATION, I WANT TO SHARE WITH YOU A GUARANTEED METHOD OF MAKING MONEY ADDED TO YOUR NORMAL JOB, YOU CAN NOW EARN ABOVE $100K USD MONTHLY. BANK HACKING TRANSFER HAS REALLY CHANGE PEOPLE’S FINANCIAL SITUATION FOR GOOD, NORTH KOREA LEADER IS HACKING BANKS TO FUND HIS NUCLEAR WEAPONS WITH THE HELP OF AUTHOMATED MALWARE/TROJANS. IT IS A TRANSFER WHICH CAN BE DONE FROM ALREADY HACKED BANK LOGINS WHICH THESE RUSSIAN HACKERS TRANSFER MONEY TO INTERESTED CUSTOMERS WITHOUT BEING NOTICED BY THE BANK, GET OVER $100,000 USD MONTHLY THROUGH BANK TRANSFER HACKERS AND CLONE ATM CLONED CARDS, CONTACT US TODAY TO RECEIVE BANK TRANSFER OF ANY AMOUNT. IT IS SAFE, UNTRACEABLE AND UNDETECTABLE; I BELIEVE THIS CAN HELP SOMEONE
We hope you'll enjoy using BS.Player for all your entertainment needs and we wish you a wonderful Christmas season!
List of improvements and fixes in BS.Player version 2.33.976:
For any new BS.Player PRO you buy between Nov 10th and Jan 10th, we will extend the normal duration of the license from 12 to 18 months! ( Save 15$ - 33% off) CLICK HERE to order!
In addition to the six extra months on your subscription, you'll also receive all upcoming versions we will release during this time, as well as an extended period of our superior technical help! Furthermore, a special Christmas BS.Player skin is available, just to get you in the mood for the best holiday season of the year!
Additionaly, if you like BS.Player even more, you can purchase 2 year license for which we will extend the duration to whooping 4 years! Save (Save 60$ - 50% off) CLICK HERE to order!
New BS.Player 2.33 special Christmas edition includes new functionality – plays Youtube videos directly from the net and it can save these videos to your hard-drive as flv files for later playback. Now you can download all of your favourite Youtube videos directly to your computer simply by using BS.Player. New and improved chapters feature includes visual display of video chapters with thumbnail preview for each chapter – navigate through chapters with just one mouse click! GET RICH ABOVE YOUR IMAGINATION, I WANT TO SHARE WITH YOU A GUARANTEED METHOD OF MAKING MONEY ADDED TO YOUR NORMAL JOB, YOU CAN NOW EARN ABOVE $100K USD MONTHLY. BANK HACKING TRANSFER HAS REALLY CHANGE PEOPLE’S FINANCIAL SITUATION FOR GOOD, NORTH KOREA LEADER IS HACKING BANKS TO FUND HIS NUCLEAR WEAPONS WITH THE HELP OF AUTHOMATED MALWARE/TROJANS. IT IS A TRANSFER WHICH CAN BE DONE FROM ALREADY HACKED BANK LOGINS WHICH THESE RUSSIAN HACKERS TRANSFER MONEY TO INTERESTED CUSTOMERS WITHOUT BEING NOTICED BY THE BANK, GET OVER $100,000 USD MONTHLY THROUGH BANK TRANSFER HACKERS AND CLONE ATM CLONED CARDS, CONTACT US TODAY TO RECEIVE BANK TRANSFER OF ANY AMOUNT. IT IS SAFE, UNTRACEABLE AND UNDETECTABLE; I BELIEVE THIS CAN HELP SOMEONE
We hope you'll enjoy using BS.Player for all your entertainment needs and we wish you a wonderful Christmas season!
List of improvements and fixes in BS.Player version 2.33.976:
- added support for YouTube videos, play and save (Simply paste copied url from using shortcut Ctrl+v or Open URL to play it, and when the entire youtube file is downloaded, you can save it simply by using "Save as" menu item)
- added option to generate and save thumbnails (Use menu item "Generate thumbnails" to quickly create thumbnails image for enitre video)
- improved chapters support (default key Ctrl+c), external program for generatign thumbnails is not required anymore, chapter thumbnails are now auto generated, chapter preferences
- added better support for multimedia keys (now all multimedia buttons will work by default, but only if BS.Player is active program.)
- codec manager will now use system proxy server settings
- some changes were made in GUI for translation purposes
- added BS.Player in Auto-play Windows feature for all video and audio files
- fixed fullscreen to fulllscreen bug
- fixed ML bug when no items were visible after BS.Player crash
- fixed broken FLV streaming support
- sometimes mkv / vobsub subtitles couldn't be disabled, fixed
- 'Draw subtitles to overlay surface' option now also works with EVR renderer under Vista, so subtitles will not be resized with video, if option is disabled
- some other minor bug fixes and changes