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Skins del BSPlayer
creado por: Eyael
Total votos: 206
Based on Official LOTR Winamp 3 Skin. Original logo art and images ©2002 New Line Productions, inc. If you wish to make modifications to this skin, please, do not forget to mention original author name (Eyael) below your own both in ini file and author box in the upload form. Enjoy ;)
Descargas: 59972
Comentarios: 3
May 10, 2006
Su evaluación:
So cute
by guest, Aug 9, 2008
It's a good reminder of a very good, inspiring movie. To do your best in order to achieve your goals! Thanks a lot Eyael!
The One!
by guest, Jul 13, 2007
I'm Player 9i and this skin look's great
Good way!
stapanul inelelor
by guest, Feb 9, 2007
cel mai tare in pula mea .........cel mai tare skin