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Skins del BSPlayer
Panther(by S.E.D. Entertainment Company)
creado por: SAFTA Eugen~Dragos
Más por este autor (2 skins)

Total votos: 85
my first skin.
I only have 2 fully created :)
it's not much but I worked a lot to make it.
it everithithin created pixel by pixel and every button's position has been calculated also with the help of microsoft paint wich is revealing the coordinates of every pixel. that's because i don't know how to use a proper software to do it.
hope u consider it interesting.
thanks 4 understanding
I only have 2 fully created :)
it's not much but I worked a lot to make it.
it everithithin created pixel by pixel and every button's position has been calculated also with the help of microsoft paint wich is revealing the coordinates of every pixel. that's because i don't know how to use a proper software to do it.
hope u consider it interesting.
thanks 4 understanding
Descargas: 102615
Comentarios: 3
Sep 9, 2007
Su evaluación:
by guest, May 23, 2013
if you don't have anything to say, better say nothing.
I can't believe I've been going for years witouht
by guest, Feb 11, 2013
I can't believe I've been going for years witouht knowing that.
by guest, Jan 21, 2010
it look like an flying saucer !!