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BS.Player Skins
created by: Slavko Ivanovic
More by this author (6 skins)

Total votes: 138
Earlier scrollmasters seems to be very, very useful, but with artless colors.
I have improve some button functionality (changed 4 buttons), and of course colors.
If U like first scrollmaster, must try this one.
It is still very simple, clear, & based on "ONE LOOK CLICK" philosophy!
:) ;)
UPDATED: 24.8.2007
I have improve some button functionality (changed 4 buttons), and of course colors.
If U like first scrollmaster, must try this one.
It is still very simple, clear, & based on "ONE LOOK CLICK" philosophy!
:) ;)
UPDATED: 24.8.2007
Downloads: 112034
Comments: 3
Aug 17, 2007
Your rating:
by guest, Aug 10, 2008
Good lookin' skin. Takes up a lotta screen it's well designed, intelligently laid out.
by guest, Aug 20, 2007
Not beautiful, but highly precise and very useful.
Looks evan better on higher resolutions or bigger displays.
Thanks for upload.
must coments
by guest, Aug 20, 2007
i must comennts. i use this. exelent!