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BS.Player Skins
created by: Slavko Ivanovic
More by this author (6 skins)

Total votes: 138
Earlier scrollmasters seems to be very, very useful, but with artless colors.
I have improve some button functionality (changed 4 buttons), and of course colors.
If U like first scrollmaster, must try this one.
It is still very simple, clear, & based on "ONE LOOK CLICK" philosophy!
:) ;)
UPDATED: 24.8.2007
I have improve some button functionality (changed 4 buttons), and of course colors.
If U like first scrollmaster, must try this one.
It is still very simple, clear, & based on "ONE LOOK CLICK" philosophy!
:) ;)
UPDATED: 24.8.2007
Downloads: 112016
Comments: 3
Aug 17, 2007
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